Janishia Jones is the lead researcher and author of "A Seat at the Table: A Perspective on Women of Color in the Music Business", a pioneering study that examines the systemic barriers, economic challenges, and career trajectories of women of color in the music industry. Conducted in collaboration with MIDiA Research Agency, this comprehensive study surveyed over 100 women globally, providing critical insights into intersectionality, gender and racial wage disparities, mentorship gaps, and leadership representation. As the founder of A Seat at the Table Market Research Agency, Jones is dedicated to using data-driven advocacy to shift industry narratives and drive meaningful change. Her research highlights key findings, such as the overwhelming reliance on unpaid internships, the economic burden of student loan debt, and the underrepresentation of women of color in senior leadership positions. The study also explores solutions, including mentorship initiatives, equitable hiring practices, and increased access to leadership opportunities. Joness work has sparked crucial conversations in the industry, earning her opportunities to present her research at Measure of Music, SXSW, and Music Biz Conference. With a background in financial analysis, data science, and music publishing, she continues to champion transparency, policy reform, and data-backed strategies to create a more equitable future for women of color in the music business.